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zouk nights
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ESZTER LOVÁSZ2023.09.19. Nice community united with a common interest - our passion for dancing. The atmosphere of the parties is great, where you can dance, talk and have fun with your friends. Everyone is kind and helpful, new members are always welcome. So in case you are interested to learn this beautiful dance and would like to be part of a group of awesome people, that's the right place for you. :) Annamária Borsi2023.05.04. Kiváló zenék, jó bulik, remek társaság, fantasztikus hangulat, tiszta áramlás. Nagyon szeretem hogy itt összejöhet a zouk közösség és felhőtlenül szórakozhat, beszélgethet, táncolhat. A rendszeresen megrendezésre kerülő tematikus bulikat különösen szeretem, mert itt a beöltözés bár sosem kötelező, mégis nagyon vidám tud lenni. Még egy csodálatos dolog az emberek nyitottsága, mivel szeretettel fogadnak minden új érdeklődőt és vendéget 😊 Excellent music, great parties & people, fantastic ambient, pure flow. I like the zouk people can meet here and have a good time, dance & mingle together. I especially love the theme parties, on which the dress code is never compulsory, but it is so fun if done so. Another great thing is the openness of the participants, as they are happy to embrace all new faces or guests 😊
Frequently Asked Questions
No need to bring a partner. We usually change partners to improve our dance skills faster and better. and to experience more kinds of connection. And it is fun too!
At the beginner level there are few turns only, don’t be afraid! Later on we will learn spinning techniques and your body will get used to it too.
Various music styles are played, which are all zoukable: zouk remixes, acoustic and oriental songs, R&B, kizomba, latin pop and even dubstep sometimes. Check out the Music section for more information and some examples so that you can get a glimpse of what we dance zouk to.
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